Dear Michelle Valentine,

I’m a sophisticated, athletic, intelligent thirty-two year old single female.

I haven’t had much luck finding men who are seeking a serious and long-term relationship.



I keep finding men who are unavailable – emotionally and personally – and I am so discouraged!

To get married and have children soon seems to be slipping by.

What can I do?

Marriage Minded


Dear Marriage Minded,

My question to you would be where are you going that you are finding all these unavailable men?

It is a shame that you cannot seem to find someone with the same goals as yourself, but I do have a recommendation:

Join an online dating site that charges a small monthly fee.

This way, if they are financially invested in meeting someone, they (may) be more serious in their search, too!

Get ready to meet lots of men!

Dear Reader:

Do know someone who wants to get married but has a hard time finding a significant other? Please leave a comment below!

We’ve all had good and bad experiences in our lives. We all have gifts to share… especially the gift of knowledge. My hope is that this week’s advice column empowers you to take (or continue on) the wonderful journeys life has to offer!

Now, I would love to hear from you… Have you – or someone you’ve known – to be in this situation? Or… if not, what advice would YOU give to this letter-writer? Yes, more than one answer is allowed – but I’m truly curious as to what made your heart pound the most.



Leave a comment below and let me know. Remember, do your best to share as much detail as you can because thousands of fabulous individuals come here each week for insight and inspiration.

What you have to say may just be what someone else needs to have a major breakthrough in their life!

Important: please share your thoughts and ideas directly in the comments box below.

Thank you so very much for reading, watching, commenting, and especially… sharing your personal thoughts. Your kindness and generosity are like vitamins for the heart.

P.S. If you found this valuable, inspiring and worthy of your time, please share it. I can’t think of any better conversation for individuals around the world to listen to. A big hug to you!

With so much love and appreciation,


Michelle Valentine