Don’t Miss These 2 Fun Spots at the Louisville International Airport
Arriving at the Louisville International Airport for a romantic weekend getaway in Louisville, my goal was to get in and out of the airport. I wanted the fun to begin immediately!
To my surprise, the fun started as soon as I got off the plane!
Departure & Arrival Mural
I was greeted by a massive “Departure & Arrival” mural, obviously sponsored by Maker’s Mark. What a fun photo opp!
Photo-Taking Tip:
Be sure not to block the “Arrival” word… stand to the right of it!
Okay, photo opp completed, my boyfriend was trekking across the shops when I stopped in my tracks!
Louisville Slugger Gift Shop
As a lover of baseball, I saw the Louisville Slugger gift shop!
I love Louisville!! My dad was a huge baseball fan and whenever we were traveling through the airport we had to stop at the Slugger store.