Dear Michelle Valentine,

I am a 21-year-old female college student, and consider myself to be intelligent, outgoing and funny.

I can bring a smile to the most stubborn face.



But I have been alone for the past two years.

That is partly due to the fact that I am in college, and I do not have the time to date, but I also believe it’s due to one big factor: I am full-figured.

I am not full-figured to the extent that I qualify for the Guinness Book of World Records, but I am far from a size 4 or 14.

I tell myself that my education is my priority just to calm my loneliness, but I get so lonely at times that I just ache.

I also find myself entering into relationships with men that I would not normally date just to say that I “have a man.”

I think it’s because I’m so self-conscious about my weight and I don’t have much self-esteem.

Do you know of any local organizations where I could meet men who are attracted to full-figured women? Thank you.

Large, Lovely and Lonely, Orlando


Dear Lovely,

There is a great organization out there that’s one of the best places for young people like yourself to form friendships – it’s called college!

This wonderful “organization” provides you with the opportunity to meet others who share the same interests as you, as well as people who are different from you whom you can learn new things from.

A college degree is more than a piece of paper – it’s proof of the years you spent cultivating your life with books, professors and other students’ life experiences.

Do not – I repeat, do not – let your weight get the best of you any longer!

Everyone looks to spend time with intelligent, outgoing and funny people just like you.



I’ve personally seen thousands of over-size-14 people have happy lives with friends, boyfriends, and husbands.

If you want to be happy, you need to get out and make friends who share your common interests – and stop using your dress size as a reason why you’re lonely and dating the wrong type of men.

If you really are that unhappy with your size, why not start a weight-reduction program?

Eating healthier helps develop a vigorous mind, and physical activities such as trail walking or bike riding would be a great way to meet new friends, too!