Dear Michelle Valentine,

I read your columns online and in newspapers all the time, however, I am wondering if you had any advice for me.

I am a twenty-four year old professional gay male. I am interested in a committed, sincere, long-term relationship.

I have found it very hard to meet other gay men with similar interests and goals.

It seems that the bars are the only place to go and socialize, however, most of those people are just into the “bar scene.”

I have already joined many local gay social groups. And I have met some really nice people, just not anyone that I would have any interest in dating.

I see your singles socials, such as Speed Dating and Happy Hours advertised all the time. They are all geared toward the straight crowd, though.

Do you have any suggestions, as to what I might do, to facilitate my meeting someone special?

Warmest regards, I am yours.

Russell, via email


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Dear Russell,

I must first congratulate you on your effort to have an active social calendar!

The more you are out there circulating and mingling within the community, the more chances you have of finding that special someone.

In other words, play the odds!

I have conducted many educational seminars and workshops at local LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) community centers, and the dilemma you are facing is, unfortunately, common.



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Here are 5 suggestions to guide you towards the challenge of finding the love of your life:


Search online for social events geared towards gay singles

Place an online dating profile on a reputable online gay dating site

Inform your friends and work associates that you are single and looking for a serious relationship

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Attend business networking events geared towards LGBT business owners and professionals

Attend one of my educational seminars about finding love online easily and safely (based upon my book, “How to Find Love Online”).

Hope to see you soon!


Michelle Valentine