Experiencing an African Ostrich Farm in Aruba

When you think of Aruba, you probably think sea, sun and beach… But Aruba has more to offer than that, and there are different sorts of activities you can do.

One of the adventures I experienced in Aruba was visiting an ostrich farm. Yes, big, beautiful, African Ostriches in Aruba!

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Although Africa is the native land of the ostrich, this intriguing bird finds a perfect home in Aruba’s rugged landscape.

The Aruba Ostrich Farm allowed me to meet its 80-count flock of the largest living species in the world.

Ostriches are interesting creatures with many unique features.

Here are 8 interesting facts about these fascinating birds:

1. Ostriches are the largest bird in the world. They can grow up to 9 feet tall and weigh up to 345 pounds.

2. Ostriches can run up to 45 miles per hour.

3. Ostriches have two toes on each foot, which helps them to run faster.

4. Ostriches can live up to 40 years in the wild.

5. Ostriches are native to Africa and can be found in many different habitats across the continent.

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6. Ostriches can run as fast as 43 mph and can sustain running speeds of 30 mph for long distances.

7. Ostriches have three stomachs, one for solids, one for liquids, and one for digestion.

8. Ostriches lay the largest eggs of any bird in the world. They can be up to 6 inches in length and weigh up to three pounds!

The African Ostrich Farm Tour

The guided tour of the ostrich farm, which was inhabited by both ostriches and their flightless Australian relatives, emus.

Our tour guide was wonderful! She was so knowledgeable!

What I experienced during the Aruba Ostrich Farm

The tour at the Aruba Ostrich Farm provided me the opportunity to learn about the natural behavior and survival instincts of these amazing creatures through detailed information as well as personal encounters with the birds.

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It was amazing to see such large ostrich eggs, and watching the cute little ones!

The most amazing thing I experienced

The most amazing thing I experienced at the Aruba Ostrich Farm was hand-feeding the ostriches! If you’re interested in learning about what ostriches eat and how to feed an ostrich, read my other blog post here. Plus, see a video of my hand-feeding these enormous birds!

Right now, see a photo gallery of my visit to Aruba Ostrich Farm:

After the tour

After the tour, I visited the African Art Shop, which was chock-full of beautiful authentic goods from South Africa.

Tourists ate ostrich meat dish

After the informative and fun tour, some people took advantage of the chance to sample an ostrich meat dish at the Savanna Lodge Bar & Restaurant. Supposedly, ostrich meat is delicious!

I opted out and chose to just sit back and relax…


Would you try ostrich meat?

Let us know in the comment box below.


The Aruba Ostrich Farm provided such a memorable and unique experience, and it’s something everyone must experience while visiting in Aruba!